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The opportunity is now

Clare David

Updated: Dec 18, 2024

 People come and go

As I grew older, I realized my circle of friends became smaller. You’ll be so close to one person today, and suddenly you aren’t talking anymore. It’s life. People grow apart rather than grow as a part of you. Accept that and move on.

 Every Lesson has a price to pay

There is no free anything, ever. You have to pay for it one way or another. People leave for a reason, so learn from that and move on. Take that as a learning experience. Some broken relationships might be a blessing in disguise even if you don’t see it in that moment. You may be hurt, but you might be the one hurting someone else. When a relationship ends, it will hurt. And it’s okay to cry. Bawl your eyes out. However, after those tears have fallen, get your soul in shape, back up straight, deep breath and move on. You can look back, and do it. Because it’s when you learn the lessons you paid with the tough relationships lessons are learned. So learn it well. Look back, but remember: Never ever let it affect you so much you can’t move forward in life. It may put the breaks on but keep moving forward.

Keep people who care close to your heart

These people are hard to come by. Generally, if someone acts gracious towards you, they want something in return. You know who are true when you mess up. They stick around and help you consolidate draw perspectives and wipe the debris clear from your life. People who stick with you through your troubles are real. That’s it. People who leave? Let them. There’s no point dwelling on nonsense like that. It’s not worth your emotions.

A relationship takes effort so make the effort

You need to constantly make an effort to nurture that. Don’t neglect someone because you think they will always be there. No, they won’t. As time passes, you drift apart and that is how everything tumbles downhill. If you treasure that relationship, show it. Give every friendship your 100% and don’t be afraid to get hurt. Because even if it doesn’t work out, you know you’ve done the best you can. You did everything in your power and you have no regrets whatsoever.

Grass is greener where you water it

You will often look at your peers, cousins, colleagues and close friends green with envy. They’ve got those achievements you don’t have, their life looks perfect. Or maybe that’s what you think. Everyone has their struggles no matter how great it looks. You never know. Just concentrate on your patch of grass, water it well, and it will grow longer and greener as days pass. Nothing comes easy, you have to work for your piece of lawn.

You can’t please everyone

Never. You cannot. Do things you love, go all out. Say what you say, do what you do. You do you, and if there are people who hate whatever you’re doing, let them. People who matter will not care, and people who care, don’t matter. Don’t change yourself to please them, because they will not be contented. There will always be something for people to talk about. However, you need to know who to please to make your life easier.

Build meaningful relationships and build well. All relationships need nurture. Friends, colleagues, siblings, parents, lover….

By pleasing I don’t mean full on falling over yourself and drooling. No, I mean talk to them, know what they like, and what they don’t like. Go out for lunch with them. Don’t go head first into stroking their ego, No one likes that. Just be there. Your presence means everything. As time passes, bonds and relationships will be formed. Make sure you form it well. And it will do you good. The wheat from the chaff will soon appear and you’ll build good circles you can rely on and swap some favours.

You Need Connections so build the social and emotional fortitude

Get out, get to know people. Interact even if you hate it. We all need to start somewhere. Do volunteer, internships, and part-time jobs even if it means you’re doing the unpleasant tasks. Know names, take business cards, put your name out there and make sure you make an impression. Why? Because when you go out there and do what you’re good at, you get noticed, you’ll need these people. It’s easier to get to where you want to go when people already know who you are. So do yourself a favour.

No one cares!! Hmmmm… who cares just do you

Stop. Complaining. About. How. Much. Your. Life is less than most. Seriously, literally no one wants to hear the complaint they’ve their own life to handle and it’s not perfect either. So if it truly is #crap, do something about it. The ball is in your court. You make a conscious decision to do something, you will be prepared to bear whatever consequences that comes together with it. Because at the end of the day, you’re responsible for yourself.

No one owes you a damn thing!!! You owe yourself the courage to pursue’ no matter what!

You are responsible for yourself. Your parents don’t owe you anything, your bosses don’t owe you anything, and your friends don’t owe you anything. You want something? You work hard and earn it. Don’t expect anyone to do anything for you. If they do, it’s a privilege, not an entitlement. Remember that.

Physical appearance isn’t everything but how you carry yourself and deliver on your promises does; have integrity and have decency that’ll go far

I’d rather someone love me for my personality and knowledge than my looks. Carry yourself with respect, confidence and kindness, all will be well. You see people talking about a pretty face with an ugly personality, but you never see people talking rubbish about someone who has an awesome personality but a below average appearance. As you grow older, you really realise, your physical appearance really DOESN’T MATTER. Healthy glowing appearance matters however and that’s just longevity and wellbeing this will be your new front of house suit to wear so pay attention to health always and the physical takes care of itself.

Your Pride is not everything! Pride and fall, it’s been around a while.

It’s not. Your stupid pride isn’t worth peanuts. Put that pride down, and apologize when it’s needed. Friendships and relationships are worth far more than your stupid pride. Even if you hate your boss, you put that pride down and you say good morning when you see her/him. Because if you don’t say it, what do you think you’ll get out from it? Your useless pride and the risk of getting on that bad side. Not worth it.

You’re only truly happy when your inner peace is centred

Don’t look at others for validation. You’re going to be let down very often. Validate yourself. Same goes for happiness. Don’t rely on anyone for happiness, you’re going to inevitably be let down. Love yourself. And be confident. Not happy? Change it and work tirelessly on you it’ll pay dividends

Live by what you believe in. Do not compromise your beliefs and ensure always for the greater good

Stick to your values and do not get swayed. You believe in second chances? Give that chance. You want to be fitter? Do just that. You want to be kind to people who least deserve it? Be kind always. Don’t change who you are for someone who can’t accept you for you.

Count all your blessing, gratitude is powerful.

Always. Always. Always. You’ll never get everything you want in life, but that’s life. Be contented with what you have, and you will be happy. There will always be someone better, richer, more attractive. You’ll never win, so don’t. Strive for the best version of yourself, not the best of someone else.

Kindness always this is not up for negotiation. Be kind, the world needs kindness to be spread and we all can do that

Even if people take it for granted. Be kind. Kindness goes a long way.

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