Hello and welcome to Vip Fitness. The following guest writers are members and client’s of Vip and Clare David. Here they share their incredible fitness and wellbeing journey’s with us all. It’s never easy, never too late and always worth it I promise. Lynne and Sally have generously shared an honest account of why they value health and the support they receive, being part of the Vip community ?

My name is Lynne and I’m 49 years old. My fitness journey started about 15 years ago, up until then I hadn’t taken part in any form of exercise since leaving school, it was then that I decided I needed to get fit and shape up so I bought a book and taught myself how to run. Over the next year I completed a 5k, 10k even a half marathon but it didn’t last I was never consistent with my training and would often go months not running at all blaming family and work commitments for my lapses. However over the years my running did become more consistent although it was still not a priority for me to put my health first and I would find it all too easy to let life get in the way and my exercise routine would slip.

This all changed nearly 2 years ago when I was persuaded to try a boot camp run by Clare. It was something so far out of my comfort zone but I went along expecting to come home and never ever go back again. How wrong was I; there was something about it, the sense of camaraderie with the members, the encouragement from Clare I was instantly hooked. I was soon a regular member and have since added PT sessions too to go with my running.
The more I exercised the more I began to notice the positive effect it was having on my mental wellbeing. On the days I exercised I would feel better about myself and more able to deal with the ups and downs of day to day life. This couldn’t be more true than at the moment with the current global pandemic that is going on I have found my running and exercise to be even more important to me. It is the one thing that makes everything still feel ‘normal’.
I will be 50 next year and I’m planning on running an ultra marathon to celebrate. I realise that this will be a huge challenge both mentally and physically but I’ll give it my best.
I’m not really sure when my fitness journey began but I think as I got older I realised that my physical and mental health was important so it probably started when I was about 40. I had always skied and sailed with my family, anything else had been lacking commitment. I had, had gym memberships prior to this but never really enjoyed training on my own – never really having the motivation.
I met Clare at a gym that I was a member of and at this point I was attending a regular circuit’s class; which I really enjoyed. I had always disliked running but set myself a challenge and joined a running club associated with the gym – my love of running never came but I did manage to achieve several 10km runs/mud runs and continued to half-marathon distances. Clare encouraged me to join her spin class – Clare being so passionate and persuasive I did! I loved it. It had energy, vibrancy and was fun too. I still spin with VIP today although not in a Studio but via digital connection. It fits in around my lifestyle as it can be done live or later via catch up. If I’m honest I wasn’t convinced this would work for me but it does and more importantly there is a session every day.

Unfortunately my exercise levels faltered after a major skiing accident 4 years ago – resulting in 5 broken vertebrae and spinal surgery. It was during this recovery time that I realised that exercise played a bigger role than just physical wellbeing, it helps with my mental wellbeing too; this became a major factor as being braced and housebound for 8 months was so frustrating. After my accident Clare encouraged me to get back to Spin and do what I could – I couldn’t be more grateful for this and she adapted moves for me. Just doing Spin wasn’t enough for me so I joined VIP Private Clients for some personal training sessions under Clare’s very watchful eye. Clare took the time to understand my injury and adjust my training accordingly. These are always varied and fun and Clare always manages to push you that little further than I would myself. My recovery journey is still on going and I will probably never fully get back to where I was but with Clare’s dedication and professionalism I’m sure I will improve some more or at least stave off any associated ailments.
During pt.’s, Clare and I talked about Bootcamp but I didn’t think I would be able to physically commit as throwing tyres about might be beyond my capabilities but Clare had other ideas! Anyway I gave it a go and I am so glad I did. It is fun, invigorating and suitable for all abilities. I have met a super group of people who encourage, motivate and importantly laugh. Even during this world pandemic Clare has managed to bring VIP Bootcamp to our home/gardens via live stream and still revelling in the camaraderie.

Admiration, encouragement, fitness (mental and physical), laughter, friendship are just a few of the things I have gained from my VIP fitness journey. I will always be thankful for fitness as it has help me through some difficult personal times and for me being part of a community is even more beneficial.
As well as the classes, there have been social events – Christmas meals, walking trips to Snowdon and Cornwall (this trip challenged me more than I ever imagined it would but with the positive attitude of the group I gained a personal trophy) and there will be many more I’m sure. These walking trips were new adventures for me and have given me an appreciation for the outside and its beauty.
Fitness has now become part of my life, if I miss a session I get grouchy! Long may it
Experts and people in the know are always telling us that exercise is important to us not just for our physical health but our mental wellbeing too. Sally and I have both found this to be the case. Yes there are definitely days when you don’t feel like doing anything or say you’re too busy but if you try, it doesn’t need to be hours in a gym or throwing a tyre around, maybe just a walk you will always feel better afterwards. Exhausted maybe but definitely better.
I’m very proud of these ladies, they’ve dedicated themselves and found what works for them. It always helps to be part of an encouraging team, a community to champion you on. I've wanted to deliver a network of support in all I do and with VIP’s community this is guaranteed. With the wonderful words of two ladies here, I hope you are encouraged to take steps to look after you. After all, YOU are a Very Important Person, it’s not selfish it’s necessary to be the best possible version of you. Begin your journey.